Marko Kleine Büning
- Doktorand
- Modulare Software-Analyse
- Raum: 017
- Tel.: +49 721 608-45955
- marko kleinebuening ∂does-not-exist.kit edu
Institut für Theoretische Informatik
Am Fasanengarten 5
76131 Karlsruhe
Research interests:
- program analysis to ensure safety and security of software systems
- modular verification of realworld embedded software
- alias anlysis in the context of verification and llvm
- automatic generation of pre- and postcondition for software modules
- verification of safety properties of neural networks
Current and previous work:
- refinement of structural abstractions with automatically generated pre and postconditions
- verifying equivalence properties of neural networks with relu activation functions (published at CP'2020)
- automatic modularization of programs for verification (published at ICFEM’19)
- development of an industrialgrade software analysis tool based on bounded model checking (at QPR Technologies, a KIT spinoff company, until 12/2018, tool published at VSTTE'20)
- unified intermediate format for bounded and unbounded software model checking (master thesis, published at ICFEM’19)
- checking information flow properties with program dependency graphs (PDGs) and interactive theorem provers (student research project, published at ICFEM’18)